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Paraoptometric Contact Update Form
Paras: Please help us keep our records current and complete this short form to update your member record.
- Required Field
The OAL-PS offers a broad spectrum of educational opportunities to help improve paraoptometric skills which, in turn, means better overall vision care for patients. The OAL-PS was founded for the benefit of not only paraoptometrics, but for their employers as well. A well-trained paraoptometric can perform many routine office procedures, giving optometrists more time to spend with patients - and that means better care. The OAL-PS also provides an opportunity for paraoptometrics to meet, make new friends, share ideas, and enjoy quality time with their peers.
Your name *
Please enter the doctor &/or clinic name at which you primarily work.
Please select any certifications you may have
Choose up to 5
CPO (AOA CPC Certified Paraoptometric)
CPOA (AOA CPC Certified Paraoptometric Assistant)
CPOT (AOA CPC Certified Paraoptometric Technician)
CPOC (AOA CPC Certified Paraoptometric Coder)
ABOC (American Board of Opticians Certified)
COA (Certified Ophthalmic Assistant)
COT (Certified Ophthalmic Technician)
Other Certification Not Listed
No certification at this time
Which best describes your PRIMARY role in the office (select one)?
-- No Selection --
Front Desk / Reception
Billing / Insurance / Coding
Optician / Frame Stylist / Optical
Lab / Cutting & Edging
Exam Tech / CL Tech
Office Manager / Practice Administrator
Choose 1
Please enter a unique e-mail address (not your office's main e-mail nor your doctor's e-mail) to which the OAL and OAL PS may send communications, educational opportunities, etc.
Please enter your mobile number to which the OAL and OAL PS may send communications, educational opportunities, etc. This is also used onsite at meetings, in order to update you on schedule changes, notices, etc.
Please enter a postal address to which you would prefer the OAL and OAL PS may send postal mailings, communications, educational opportunities, etc.
Would you be interested in taking a preparatory review course, if offered by the OAL at Convention, to possibly take one of the AOA CPC Certification Exams? *
If you are interested in taking a certification review course, which would you most likely attend? (Please select one)
-- No Selection --
Certified Paraoptometric (CPO), Entry Level
Certified Paraoptometric Assistant (CPOA), Intermediate Level
Certified Paraoptometric Technician (CPOT), Advanced Level
Other Certification Not Listed
I am not interested in certification courses at this time
Choose 1
Would you like your name to be considered for nomination to the OAL Paraoptometric Section Board of Directors? The Board consists of about 4 paras from across the state who typically meet 3 times / year to share ideas, plan CE Meetings, etc. It will require a commitment of 4 years, as a board member begins as Secretary, then moves up to President Elect, President, and, finally Immediate Past President. Nominations are voted on in June, at the OAL Annual Convention. *
Please enter any other comments regarding paras, staff, etc, and we will do our best to address them. Thanks for updating your information!
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